We survived Tropical Cyclone Lusi. The waves measured 7 metres and the wind reached Force 8 on the Beaufort scale. It was less severe than the storm in the Bay of Biscay and Atlantic that we experienced in the first week of this voyage.
The Kingdom of Tonga
Pago Pago, American Samoa
We did eventually get to the 18 March after crossing the IDL. And on that day we arrived in Pago Pago (pronounced Pango Pango). The Samoan group of islands are divided into Samoa (once Western Samoa) – an independant nation and American Samoa where we were. Tutuila is the largest island in the American Samoa group and Pago Pago is the capital.
We have just crossed the Equator again. But there is a big dilemma and dispute aboard QV. It is about water. Not the water in the ocean. That is now calm and the effects of another Cyclone (called Mike) have disappeared. As you will know the Pacific is the largest of the world’s oceans so there is no shortage of the stuff there.
There is the water made on the ship and then there is the water that goes down the plughole. And that’s where the problem lies.
Hilo, Hawai’i
The largest island in the Hawaiian group is called Hawai’i or Big Island and Hilo is the county capital. It is known as the gateway to the land of fire and brimstone and volcanos abound on the island.

The sun was shining and it was hot as we approached Honolulu, located on the island of Oahu. A beautiful day and Honolulu looked splendid as we drew alongside Pier 2.
World Voyage Dinner – Hawaii Convention Centre
This was a first for us. In the past we have sailed on segments of World Voyages, but never the whole thing.
We then moved into a vast hall laid out beautifully with tables for ten.
Roger McGuinn – The Byrds
Founder of The Byrds. Lead guitarist. Lead vocalist. Mr Tambourine Man. Roger McGuinn is the celebrity speaker for this segment and he boarded QV in Honolulu.
He is clearly highly computer literate and that becomes evident, not only in the professional way he presents, but as a result of things others say about him. He has numerous clips of original Byrds performances, recordings and chat show appearances which he deftly plays on the big screen. There are plenty of sound and vision experts employed in the theatre but Roger doesn’t need them.