No surprises today. We expected to be in the beautiful city of Valencia and we duly arrived on time. There were delays, though, in getting the all clear from the port authority. We were not told whether that delay was influenced by Covid or Brexit, but the early tours set off late (in the rain).
By the time the Smith party were ready to roll, the rain had gone and a large coach with a wheel chair lift was awaiting us. It was a scary process to get Jane aboard, because the lift took her about 10 feet into the air on the outside of the coach. I was not allowed to go up on the platform with her, but of course Jane took it all in her stride and she was soon safely inside the coach.
Years ago we visited Valencia on a Regent ship, the Navigator, which was much smaller and able to berth close to the old town. The shuttle coach ride for us this time took 45 minutes, but the architecture of the modern buildings that we passed was stunning.

The old town, El Carmen, is home to the cathedral (8 euros each seemed expensive to me to get in!)? The surrounding streets are packed with bars and quaint shops, but it is evident that many have closed permanently as a result of covid.

We returned to the ship in the early afternoon and Kim sat on her balcony in the sun and emerged slightly tanned.
The evening entertainment on the ship has been good and in some instances excellent, but on Tuesday the comedian was very poor. Not funny at all. I won’t name him, but why anyone hired him I do not know. Many Cunarders walk out on these rare occasions and they did so on Tuesday. We stuck it out, hoping he would get better. He didn’t!
Lovely to hear from you – and so good that you are enjoying it…well done with the ride up the side of the bus, Jane
Love to you and the twins too!
The comedian might have been disappointing last night Richard but at least, as always, we had a good old chuckle on Sunday in sunny Malaga. It was marvellous to see you all over lunch and great to meet Kim who clearly has a naturally caring nature. She’s obviously become an integral member of the Smiths touring clan. Despite the generally inclement weather in southern Spain (very unusual) it was clear that you and Jane were benefiting from a much needed break and change of scenery.
Enjoy the remainder of your cruise and I hope you manage to call into Lisbon en route home.