Queen Anne

I apologise for bowing out before I had said anything interesting about the new ship. After 2/3 days I was finding it difficult to walk any distances on the ship. If I tried to explore I had to sit down regularly to get my breath.

There was no option but for me to make a visit to the Medical Centre. That was on day 3 of the Maiden Voyage. I talked to the Medical Officer, Doctor Chanel. She decided to carry out some blood tests which were poor and threw up very low readings.

I have to say that to some extent I have lost track of the days, but on the Lisbon port day, Dr Chanel, on looking at further test results, worried that there would be a major problem, if I was even weaker during the following two sea days and needed a blood transfusion. There would not be a suitable supply aboard. During the early afternoon Jane and I had to make a decision.

On balance the less risky option was for me to leave the ship, Jane remaining aboard with Kim, who would look after her until Southampton, 3 days ahead.

That was the option we settled on. We threw some clothes into a small bag and returned to the Medical Centre. The ship was due to sail soon after 5.30pm and I was quickly transferred to an old ambulance which was to take me to hospital.

The hospital I was taken to was the De Sao Jose – a public hospital – a free hospital. It was a hell hole!

End of Part 1


8 Replies to “Queen Anne”

  1. I am so sorry to hear this Richard – do hope you are feeling better and are getting better treatment at another hopsital other than the aforementioned hell hole. What a great shame. Sending love and healing vibes. Juliet and Geoff

  2. Oh goodness Richard that sounds horrendous, i hope you are better now and back home with Jane. Keep in touch please.

  3. Richard, your trip to the hospital, hell hole as you described it , makes my trip to the dentist in Spain last week seem like a walk in the park. Hang in there. Roger

  4. Hi to you Both and thank you so much for writing, Richard.
    To miss all the new ship stuff as well as having to endure the hospital and as well as all the unknown and worry – it sounds an unimaginably bad experience
    Please do give our love to Jane and best wishes to Kim – and sending great big hugs all round
    With much love
    Rosie and Simon XX

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