Earlier in the voyage, as I was about to enter a lift on 6 deck, a man came out of the lift. I recognised him, but couldn’t place him. Initially I thought he might be someone from Southampton but he was not. We exchanged names and I left in the lift.
When I thought about his name, Bill Boyle, I realised that Jane and I had met the Boyles on a Cunard ship long ago. For years Jane kept a record in the back of our address book of the names and addresses of people we had met on holidays and it revealed that we had met them on Queen Victoria.
I had a feeling that we had met as guests of the Captain Paul Wright, the first Captain of QV on its maiden voyage. It was the occasion when we first met Stewart and Elizabeth Wilson. I emailed Stewart about meeting the Boyles and within a short time this appeared – a photo of the guests on that particular evening.

A couple of days ago I bumped into Bill and Jane. Their cabin is 4 away from ours on the same deck! We were all rushing off to lunch, so we agreed to meet for coffee the next day.