
I had a meeting with the consultant today. The second bone marrow biopsy apparently revealed more evidence of what was wrong than the first. As a result a course of treatment has been agreed to deal with the failure of my bone marrow to produce platelets and blood as it should.

The plan is that I take a particular drug twice a day from tomorrow. I will also have blood tests at Southampton General Hospital twice a week to see if the drug is doing its job. If it is not, or if it is causing me grief, then there will be a change of drug.

I will continue to have blood and platelet transfusions as and when they are needed. For me, on the basis of the last 10 weeks, that seems to be a transfusion every 2 or 3 weeks. They are painless.

It takes about 2 hours to pour the blood or platelets into me. I don’t know how it all fits into my body, but it does. I do a WhatsApp group Wordle, a Sudoku or two and read a John Grisham to kill the time.

This regime may well continue for up to 6 months when there will be a major review.

My apologies to the medics amongst you for the lack of detail but its difficult for a non medic to pick up all the terminology and it will be a few weeks before the letter is produced and sent to the GP!

I have put this on the blog to save emailing and to save on phone calls!

Thank you to everyone for your good wishes.

By the way, I will be resuming lunches out immediately and will be getting out the cruise brochures forthwith!



5 Replies to “Update”

  1. Very pleased for you that the medics seem to have got to the bottom of this, Richard. The regime over the next few months will require much patience, but you’re good at that!

  2. Thanks for the update Richard. Good luck with it all. Look forward to catching up with you soon. All the best

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