Health update

I have had a gentle prod about my failure to update progress on the health front. It’s not that exciting but I think we can say there has been some positive progress.

We are now moving to one blood test a week and probably transfusions only once every 4 or 5 weeks. The doctors ring me the day after the blood tests to go through the results. And I can find them all on My Medical Record.

I believe that it will still be some months before the doctors are able to say that the medication I am taking is doing its job.

I feel well. In fact, since I returned from Lisbon in mid May, I have not felt unwell at all. It’s clear that the treatment I am being given is the ‘old man’s treatment’. If I was 20 years younger there would be talk of transplants and more dramatic procedures.

Thank you for your good wishes.

On a different topic I would feel a whole lot better if Sir Ben Ainslie could start collecting a few wins.
